Mission & Purpose

Our Mission

The mission of Valley Community Church is to help people find restoration and hope for life through an authentic relationship with Jesus.

Our Purpose

WORSHIP – We believe that worship of God is our primary responsibility. Among the ways that we express our worship is through singing, the giving of our tithes and offerings, and our response to the teachings of the Bible.  We believe that we worship God not only on Sunday, but by our lives each day.

FELLOWSHIP – We believe that fellowship with one another is an outgrowth of our worship.  Biblical fellowship is not just the casual meeting of people, but it is the deep communication of our hearts with one another.

FRIENDSHIP – We believe that God calls us to a mission of friendship.  We will seek to grow by reaching out to those who do not know Christ personally.

DISCIPLESHIP – We believe that Jesus commands us to “go and make disciples of all nations”, and that this command involves reaching out to un-churched people, baptizing those who believe, and teaching them to do all that Jesus commanded.